Night Routine

Beauty sleep is a real thing and I am not just talking about physically because mentally our bodies need to recharge. When we close our eyes and fall asleep it allows our bodies to recharge and fix our body.

Setting up a night routine helps with relieving stress, anxiety and when this routine becomes a habit it sets off alarms in your body that sleep is coming shortly. If you have issues sleeping setting up these routine and giving that signal to your body can also help regulating your sleep schedule.

Night Routine:

1. Take your time with your skin routine and allow yourself to fully relax.

2. Turn off the lights! I used to hate doing this but in darkness your body is able to fully rest.

3. Stop listening to music when you sleep, unless it is instrumental or ocean waves etc… You need to allow your brain to relax and recover from the full day you have just had.

4. Find a book or podcast you enjoy and have some ME time!

5. Meditate for at least 10minutes. This will help you reach a deeper sleep, clarity and help relieve stress and anxiety

6. Do not look at your phone for at least 20-30minutes before you go to sleep. Let your brain rest

– Naked Thoughts